Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Create a model in the game for what ever you would like your God ray to look like. Make sure your UV's are good and intact.

Export your model out as an FBX file

Get whatever texture you would like your god ray to have. I chose to quickly grab the texture that photoshop had by going to FILTER --> RENDER --> CLOUDS. Now go to CHANNELS select the RED channel. Now select again the FILTER, RENDER, CLOUDS. 

select the RED channel. Now select again the FILTER, RENDER, CLOUDS. 

Do the same for the GREEN channel.

Save both textures as a jpeg.

Now bring both the FBX Model as well as both textures.

Place your model where ever you want. I place it next to where the light would shine inside the home..

Grab whatever default material is on the cone and change it's blend mode to translucent, as well as it's shading mode to unlit.

Create a 3 vector constant for it's color and multiply by another constant to pump a little more of the color through. Connect it to the emissive color.

Create 2 Panners and have one of it's x (0.005) and y (-0.01). For the second, reverse it. Now bring in your textures and connect each one through their color channel and add them. create one more and add a Constant node to increase speed if needed. 

Now create a Pixel Depth node, connect it to divide node. Add a constant with a value of 1024 or whatever amount of distance you want the god ray to fade. and clamp it to prevent it breaking.

Create a Depth Fade node, For Fade Distance make it 1000 or increase if you would like the object to fade more to other close objects.

Create a Fresnel node which cause normals facing the camera to be opaque, but perpendicular normals to become transparent to invisible. Create a Scalar Parameter to make the value of it 0.2. Create a Constant node and make it 0.1 Connect Scalar Parameter to ExponentIn and Constant to BaseReflectFractionIn. Then create a OneMinus node to reverse the effects and connect. 

Now create Multiply nodes to connect these all as shown.

Hit Apply

Now save and go to the Build option and build all.

When done, you will see your very own God ray. But this can be used for anything you can think of.

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